Friday, July 31, 2009

Fossil Fuel Without The Fossils

The New York Times: Fossil Fuels Without the Fossils? New Research Says It's Possible .

A theory long on the fringes of petroleum science gained some support from new research this week, but it is probably not enough to launch the concept into the mainstream.
No evidence is enough.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Scientists Were Wrong About Saturn

"When first observed by Voyager, the spoke movements [of Saturn's Rings] seemed to defy gravity and had the scientists very perplexed. Since the spokes rotate at the same rate as Saturn's magnetic field, it is apparent that the electromagnetic forces are also at work." -- Ron Baalke, astrophysicist, 1998

Gravitation has nothing to do with it.

Science Daily: Wind Estimate 'Shortens' Saturn's Day By Five Minutes.

ScienceDaily (July 30, 2009) — A new way of detecting how fast large gaseous planets are rotating suggests Saturn’s day lasts 10 hours, 34 minutes and 13 seconds – over five minutes shorter than previous estimates that were based on the planet’s magnetic fields.

The research, published in the journal Nature on July 30, was carried out by an international team led by scientists from Oxford University and the University of Louisville (USA).

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Ring of Gyges

Clearly Katie Couric is more familiar with Harry Potter than she is with Plato. And rightly so because she represents the mainstream scientific establishment.

"The liberty which we are supposing may be most completely given to them in the form of such a power as is said to have been possessed by Gyges the ancestor of Croesus the Lydian. According to the tradition, Gyges was a shepherd in the service of the king of Lydia; there was a great storm, and an earthquake made an opening in the earth at the place where he was feeding his flock. Amazed at the sight, he descended into the opening, where, among other marvels, he beheld a hollow brazen horse, having doors, at which he stooping and looking in saw a dead body of stature, as appeared to him, more than human, and having nothing on but a gold ring; this he took from the finger of the dead and reascended. Now the shepherds met together, according to custom, that they might send their monthly report about the flocks to the king; into their assembly he came having the ring on his finger, and as he was sitting among them he chanced to turn the collet of the ring inside his hand, when instantly he became invisible to the rest of the company and they began to speak of him as if he were no longer present. He was astonished at this, and again touching the ring he turned the collet outwards and reappeared; he made several trials of the ring, and always with the same result-when he turned the collet inwards he became invisible, when outwards he reappeared. Whereupon he contrived to be chosen one of the messengers who were sent to the court; where as soon as he arrived he seduced the queen, and with her help conspired against the king and slew him, and took the kingdom." -- Plato, philosopher, 360 B.C.

A metal horse with doors (automobile or ufo?) with a (perhaps alien?) giant in it.

According to mainstream scientists who do not believe civilization existed prior to Sumer, the philosopher Plato invented invisibility (The Republic, Book II, 359a-360d).

Of course, this ignores the Sanskrit Puranas which speak of aircraft with cloaking devices, but ignoring history (especially non-white history) and evidence is what mainstream scientists are best at.

Mainstream scientists say the Ring of Gyges was a myth.

In fact, they say all of Plato is a myth.

"The Bible is myth; Plato is myth; Immanuel Kant is myth; ...." -- Carolyn Merchant, revisionist historian, 2004

Mainstream scientists describe anything they don't understand as magic and they don't believe in magic because they think they understand everything.

That's how I know with absolute certainty that there was in fact a historical Ring of Gyges.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Transparent Aluminum

"The history of science demonstrates, however, that the scientific truths of yesterday are often viewed as misconceptions, and, conversely, that ideas rejected in the past may now be considered true. History is littered with the discarded beliefs of yesteryear, and the present is populated by epistemic corrections. This realization leads us to the central problem of the history and philosophy of science: How are we to evaluate contemporary sciences's claims to truth given the perishability of past scientific knowledge? ... If the truths of today are the falsehoods of tomorrow, what does this say about the nature of scientific truth?" -- Naomi Oreskes, historian, 1999

How quickly science fact becomes science fiction and science fiction becomes science fact.

Science Daily: Transparent Aluminum Is ‘New State Of Matter’.

ScienceDaily (July 27, 2009) — Oxford scientists have created a transparent form of aluminium by bombarding the metal with the world’s most powerful soft X-ray laser. ‘Transparent aluminium’ previously only existed in science fiction, featuring in the movie Star Trek IV, but the real material is an exotic new state of matter with implications for planetary science and nuclear fusion.

In the journal Nature Physics an international team, led by Oxford University scientists, report that a short pulse from the FLASH laser ‘knocked out’ a core electron from every aluminium atom in a sample without disrupting the metal’s crystalline structure. This turned the aluminium nearly invisible to extreme ultraviolet radiation.

''What we have created is a completely new state of matter nobody has seen before,’ said Professor Justin Wark of Oxford University’s Department of Physics, one of the authors of the paper. ‘Transparent aluminium is just the start. The physical properties of the matter we are creating are relevant to the conditions inside large planets, and we also hope that by studying it we can gain a greater understanding of what is going on during the creation of 'miniature stars' created by high-power laser implosions, which may one day allow the power of nuclear fusion to be harnessed here on Earth.’

The discovery was made possible with the development of a new source of radiation that is ten billion times brighter than any synchrotron in the world (such as the UK’s Diamond Light Source). The FLASH laser, based in Hamburg, Germany, produces extremely brief pulses of soft X-ray light, each of which is more powerful than the output of a power plant that provides electricity to a whole city.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hydrocarbons In The Deep Earth

Hydrocarbons are chemical compounds and not biological organisms. Since hydrogen is the most abundant chemical element in the universe and carbon is the fourth most abundant chemical element in the universe, hydrocarbons are infinite.

"One can, then, conceive the production, by purely mineral means, of all natural hydrocarbons. The intervention of heat, of water, and of alkaline metals -- lastly, the tendency of hydrocarbons to unite together to form the more condensed material -- suffice to account for the formation of these curious compounds. Moreover, this formation will be continuous because the reactions which started it are renewed incessantly." -- Marcellin Berthelot, chemist, 1866

Science Daily: Hydrocarbons In The Deep Earth? (Hat tip: Bloggin Brewskie)

ScienceDaily (July 27, 2009) — The oil and gas that fuels our homes and cars started out as living organisms that died, were compressed, and heated under heavy layers of sediments in the Earth's crust. Scientists have debated for years whether some of these hydrocarbons could also have been created deeper in the Earth and formed without organic matter. Now for the first time, scientists have found that ethane and heavier hydrocarbons can be synthesized under the pressure-temperature conditions of the upper mantle —the layer of Earth under the crust and on top of the core.

The research was conducted by scientists at the Carnegie Institution's Geophysical Laboratory, with colleagues from Russia and Sweden, and is published in the July 26, advanced online issue of Nature Geoscience.
How original...pfff... big ass rolleyes.

"The capital fact to note is that petroleum was born in the depths of the Earth, and it is only there that we must seek its origin." -- Dmitri Mendeleyev, chemist, 1877

"It may be supposed that naphta was produced by the action of water penetrating through the crevices of the strata during the upheaval of mountain chains because water with iron carbide ought to give iron oxide and hydrocarbons." -- Dmitri Mendeleyev, chemist, 1877

"Whether naphta was formed by organic matter is very doubtful, as it is found in the most ancient Silurian [Ordovician] strata which correspond with the epochs of the earth's existence when there was very little organic matter; it could not penetrate from the higher to the lower (more ancient) strata as it floats on water (and water penetrates through all strata)." -- Dmitri Mendeleyev, chemist, 1877

"Do these fuels result always and necessarily in one way from the decomposition of a pre-existing organic substance? Is it thus with the hydrocarbons so frequently observed in volcanic eruptions and emanations, and to which M. Ch. Sainte-Claire Deville has called attention in recent years? Finally, must one assign a parralel origin to carbonaceous matter and to hydrocarbons contained in certain meteorites, and which appear to have an origin foreign to our planet? These are questions on which the opinion of many distinguished geologists does not as yet appear to be fixed." -- Marcellin Berthelot, chemist, 1866

"The hydrogen gas evolved from volcanoes, or from chasms in the earth during earthquakes, is generally combined with sulphur or carbon; it is probably formed by the decompostion of water, when it finds access to subterranean fire." -- Robert Bakewell, geologist, 1813

"Petroleum is the product of a distillation from great depth and issues from the primitive rocks beneath which the forces of all volcanic action lie." -- Alexander Von Humboldt, naturalist, 1804

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hubble Captures Common Jupiter Collision

Why do scientists insist that so-called "shooting stars", which are visible every night of the year, are rare?

Science Daily: Hubble Captures Rare Jupiter Collision.

ScienceDaily (July 25, 2009) — The checkout and calibration of the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has been interrupted to aim the recently refurbished observatory at a new expanding spot on the giant planet Jupiter. The spot, caused by the impact of a comet or an asteroid, is changing from day to day in the planet’s cloud tops.

For the past several days the world's largest telescopes have been trained on Jupiter. Not to miss the potentially new science in the unfolding drama 580 million kilometres away, Matt Mountain, director of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, allocated discretionary time to a team of astronomers led by Heidi Hammel of the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado.
I love how the article says that worlds in collision are "new science" even though Democritus and Plato said so in the 4th century B.C.

"I was raised a uniformitarian, but through the course of my research I have come to doubt the dogmatism that seems to be central to so much of what currently passes for science." -- Robert M. Schoch, geologist, 1999

"With the collision of the Shoemaker comet into Jupiter, the era of uniformitarian orthodoxy must come to an end. Minds that have been closed for nearly half a millennium can now be opened to see what really has happened to our planet in the past -- and that past is not as distant as we might suppose." -- Vine Deloria Jr., historian, 1997

Apparently Dr. Deloria was being too optimistic since it appears scientists still haven't learned anything.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Another Scientific Assumption Bites The Dust

Asymetrical aurorae.

Science Daily: Auroras In Northern And Southern Hemispheres Are Not Identical.

ScienceDaily (July 24, 2009) — Norwegian researchers have shown that the auroras in the Northern and the Southern hemispheres can be totally asymmetric. These findings contradict the commonly made assumption of aurora being mirror images of each other.

The study was performed by PhD student Karl Magnus Laundal and professor Nikolai Østgaard at the Institute of Physics and Technology at the University of Bergen.

"The aurora is produced due to collisions between the Earth’s atmosphere and electrically charged particles streaming along the Earth’s geomagnetic field lines. – Since these processes occur above the two hemispheres, both the Northern and the Southern light are created. So far researchers have assumed that these auroras are mirror images of each other, but our findings show that this is not always the case," professor Nikolai Østgaard says.

The researchers at the University of Bergen have used data from the two NASA-satellites IMAGE and Polar to examine the Northern and the Southern light. In the Nature letter they present several possible explanations to the unexpected result.

"The most plausible explanation involves electrical currents along the magnetic field lines. Differences in the solar exposure may lead to currents between the two hemispheres, explaining why the Northern and the Southern light are not identical," PhD student Karl Magnus Laundal says.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Homo Sapiens Owned Neanderthals In The Face

"These were the strongest generation of earth-born mortals,
the strongest, and they fought against the strongest, the beast men
living within the mountains, and terribly they destroyed them.
I was in the company of these men....'"
-- Homeros, poet, Iliad, Book I: 247-269, 8th century B.C.

Science Daily: Human Spear Likely Cause Of Death Of Neandertal.

ScienceDaily (July 22, 2009) — The wound that ultimately killed a Neandertal man between 50,000 and 75,000 years [ago] was most likely caused by a thrown spear, the kind modern humans used but Neandertals did not, according to Duke University-led research.

"What we've got is a rib injury, with any number of scenarios that could explain it," said Steven Churchill, an associate professor of evolutionary anthropology at Duke. "We're not suggesting there was a blitzkrieg, with modern humans marching across the land and executing the Neandertals. I want to say that loud and clear."

But Churchill's analysis indicates the wound was from a thrown spear, and it appears that modern humans had a thrown-weapons technology and Neandertals didn't. "We think the best explanation for this injury is a projectile weapon, and given who had those and who didn't that implies at least one act of inter-species aggression."

Churchill is the first author of a new report now posted online in the Journal of Human Evolution on the long-ago incident in what is now Iraq. He and four other investigators used a specially calibrated crossbow, copies of ancient stone points and numerous animal carcasses to make their deductions.

Neandertals, stoutly-built and human-like, lived at the same time and in the same areas as some modern humans before going extinct. Anthropologists have been puzzling over Neandertal's fate for many years, proposing that perhaps they inter-bred with modern humans, failed to compete for food or resources, or were possibly hunted to extinction by the humans.

While narrowing the range of possible causes for the Iraqi Neandertal's wound, and raising the possibility of an encounter between humans and a now-extinct close cousin, the research does not definitively conclude who did it, or why.

The victim was one of nine Neandertals discovered between 1953 and 1960 in a cave in northeastern Iraq's Zagros Mountains. Now called "Shanidar 3," he was a 40- to 50-year-old male with signs of arthritis and a sharp, deep slice in his left ninth rib.

The wounded Neandertal's rib had apparently started healing before he died. Comparing the wound to medical records from the American Civil War, a time before modern antibiotics, suggested to the researchers that he died within weeks of the injury, perhaps due to associated lung damage from a stabbing or piercing wound.

"People have been speculating about that rib injury for going on 50 years now," Churchill said. "Some said it was interpersonal violence. Others said it could have been an accident. Did it involve only Neandertals? Now we, for the first time, have brought some experimental evidence to bear on these questions."

While scientists have been unable to precisely date the remains, Shanidar 3 could have lived and died as recently as 50,000 years ago. If so, he could have encountered modern humans who were just returning to the area then after a 30,000-year hiatus.

Archaeological evidence also suggests that by 50,000 years ago humans, but not their Neandertal cousins, had developed projectile hunting weapons, Churchill said. They used spear throwers, detachable handles that connected with darts and spears to effectively lengthen a hurler's arm and give the missiles a power boost.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jupiter Gets Owned Again

"Dr. Velikovsky pointed out that the collisions were not independent; in fact, if two bodies orbiting the Sun under the influence of gravity collide once, that encounter enhances the chance of another, a well known fact in celestial mechanics. Professor Sagan's calculations, in effect, ignore the law of gravity. Here, Dr. Velikovsky was the better astronomer." -- Robert Jastrow, astrophysicist, December 1979

15 years after the Shoemaker-Levy catastrophe, another catastrophe. This confirms the scientific teachings of Democritus, Plato, and Immanuel Velikovsky.

This impact event was discovered by an amateur. Professional scientists and mathematicians were clueless. They were totally unprepared and had no idea this was coming.

If it hadn't been pointed out to them by an amateur, it is likely scientists would have never known about this. Some scientists are in denial of catastrophism even after the facts have been pointed out to them: Jupiter Pummeled, Leaving Bruise The Size Of Pacific Ocean.

ScienceDaily (July 21, 2009) — Scientists have found evidence that another object has bombarded Jupiter, exactly 15 years after the first impacts by the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9.

Following up on a tip by an amateur astronomer, Anthony Wesley of Australia, that a new dark "scar" had suddenly appeared on Jupiter, this morning between 3 and 9 a.m. PDT (6 a.m. and noon EDT) scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., using NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility at the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, gathered evidence indicating an impact.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Holocene Impact Update

Scientists have found what they call "the smoking gun" in Holocene impact research: evidence of Clovis-age comets confirming Holocene catastrophe, Democritus's worlds in collision, and Plato's Timaeus.

Science Daily: California's Channel Islands Hold Evidence Of Clovis-age Comets.

ScienceDaily (July 21, 2009) — A 17-member team has found what may be the smoking gun of a much-debated proposal that a cosmic impact about 12,900 years ago ripped through North America and drove multiple species into extinction.

In a paper appearing online ahead of regular publication in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, University of Oregon archaeologist Douglas J. Kennett and colleagues from nine institutions and three private research companies report the presence of shock-synthesized hexagonal diamonds in 12,900-year-old sediments on the Northern Channel Islands off the southern California coast.

These tiny diamonds and diamond clusters were buried deeply below four meters of sediment. They date to the end of Clovis -- a Paleoindian culture long thought to be North America's first human inhabitants. The nano-sized diamonds were pulled from Arlington Canyon on the island of Santa Rosa that had once been joined with three other Northern Channel Islands in a landmass known as Santarosae.

The diamonds were found in association with soot, which forms in extremely hot fires, and they suggest associated regional wildfires, based on nearby environmental records.

Such soot and diamonds are rare in the geological record. They were found in sediment dating to massive asteroid impacts 65 million years ago in a layer widely known as the K-T Boundary. The thin layer of iridium-and-quartz-rich sediment dates to the transition of the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods, which mark the end of the Mesozoic Era and the beginning of the Cenozoic Era.

"The type of diamond we have found -- Lonsdaleite -- is a shock-synthesized mineral defined by its hexagonal crystalline structure. It forms under very high temperatures and pressures consistent with a cosmic impact," Kennett said. "These diamonds have only been found thus far in meteorites and impact craters on Earth and appear to be the strongest indicator yet of a significant cosmic impact [during Clovis]."

The age of this event also matches the extinction of the pygmy mammoth on the Northern Channel Islands, as well as numerous other North American mammals, including the horse, which Europeans later reintroduced. In all, an estimated 35 mammal and 19 bird genera became extinct near the end of the Pleistocene with some of them occurring very close in time to the proposed cosmic impact, first reported in October 2007 in PNAS.

In the Jan. 2, 2009, issue of the journal Science, a team led by Kennett reported the discovery of billions of nanometer-sized diamonds concentrated in sediments -- weighing from about 10 to 2,700 parts per billion -- in six North American locations.

"This site, this layer with hexagonal diamonds, is also associated with other types of diamonds and with dramatic environmental changes and wildfires," said James Kennett, paleoceanographer and professor emeritus in the Department of Earth Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

"There was a major event 12,900 years ago," he said. "It is hard to explain this assemblage of materials without a cosmic impact event and associated extensive wildfires. This hypothesis fits with the abrupt cooling of the atmosphere as shown in the record of ocean drilling of the Santa Barbara Channel. The cooling resulted when dust from the high-pressure, high-temperature, multiple impacts was lofted into the atmosphere, causing a dramatic drop in solar radiation."

The hexagonal diamonds from Arlington Canyon were analyzed at the UO's Lorry I. Lokey Laboratories, a world-class nanotechnology facility built deep in bedrock to allow for sensitive microscopy and other high-tech analyses of materials. The analyses were done in collaboration with FEI, a Hillsboro, Ore., company that distributes the high-resolution Titan microscope used to characterize the hexagonal diamonds in this study.

Transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopes were used in the extensive analyses of the sediment that contained clusters of Lonsdaleite ranging in size from 20 to 1,800 nanometers. These diamonds were inside or attached to carbon particles found in the sediments.

These findings are inconsistent with the alternative and already hotly debated theory that overhunting by Clovis people led to the rapid extinction of large mammals at the end of the ice age, the research team argues in the PNAS paper. An alternative theory has held that climate change was to blame for these mass extinctions. The cosmic-event theory suggests that rapid climate change at this time was possibly triggered by a series of small and widely dispersed comet strikes across much of North America.

The National Science Foundation provided primary funding for the research. Additional funding was provided by way of Richard A. Bray and Philip H. Knight faculty fellowships of the University of Oregon, respectively, to Kennett and UO colleague Jon M. Erlandson, a co-author and director of the UO's Museum of Natural and Cultural History.

The 17 co-authors on the PNAS paper are Douglas Kennett, Erlandson and Brendan J. Culleton, all of the University of Oregon; James P. Kennett of UC Santa Barbara; Allen West of GeoScience Consulting in Arizona; G. James West of the University of California, Davis; Ted E. Bunch and James H. Wittke, both of Northern Arizona University; Shane S. Que Hee of the University of California, Los Angeles; John R. Johnson of the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History; Chris Mercer of the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History and National Institute of Materials Science in Japan; Feng Shen of the FEI Co.; Thomas W. Stafford of Stafford Research Inc. of Colorado; Adrienne Stich and Wendy S. Wolbach, both of DePaul University in Chicago; and James C. Weaver of the University of California, Riverside.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Kristian Who?

Science Daily: Scientists Look Beyond Earth To Understand Auroras.

Deep within the Sun, 93 million miles away, roiling plasma rises and bursts through the solar atmosphere, sometimes thrusting highly charged protons and electrons our way. When this so-called solar wind arrives near Earth, it energizes protons and electrons trapped in the planet’s magnetic field.

These charged particles then travel down magnetic field lines, like beads slipping along a string, into Earth’s upper atmosphere near the poles. There the particles in turn excite atoms and molecules of oxygen, nitrogen, and other atmospheric gases. As these atoms relax back down into their normal state, they release the excess energy as visible light, forming an aurora oval loosely centered on the magnetic pole.

During an aurora, vivid arcs, curls, waves and bands of green, red, and sometimes blue dance across the sky for minutes or hours, peaking near midnight — all between 60 and 600 miles above the ground.

Many people think auroras are rare events, but there’s almost always an aurora of some size in the sky near the poles. Seeing one is another matter.

Auroras are most often visible in regions bordering the Arctic Circle: Canada, Alaska, northern Greenland, the Scandinavian coast, and Siberia. In the south, you need to be visiting Antarctica to see an aurora frequently. But the larger the solar storm reaching Earth’s upper atmosphere, the farther the aurora extends from the poles. Residents of New England or southern Chile might see an aurora every few years. If you live in Florida or Italy, you’d be lucky to see an aurora once in your lifetime.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cremo On Darwin

Michael Cremo on Coast to Coast AM.

Q: If you had an opportunity to talk with Charles Darwin, if you lived when he lived, you had your theories; he had his. What would you tell him Michael? How would you switch him over?

A: Well, you know, it's kind of interesting. Some people tell me, maybe I'm a reincarnation of Charles Darwin and I've had to take birth again to correct my mistake. But you know actually I have a bit of respect for Charles Darwin because I think he's somewhat different than the people who have taken over his philosophy today and turned it into an ideology. You know he was, he was a very interesting person. He left university. You know, he didn't have a PhD. He didn't finish his undergraduate degree. He was trained actually in theology. That's what he was trained in. That's what he was studying at university. And he went on a voyage on the Beagle and he came to certain ideas about evolution but I think he was a genuine scientist in this sense that I think he would've been prepared to change his ideas. He admitted that there were some problems with his theories. For example, he admitted that the fossil record really didn't support his theories.

Q: And then he began to believe in God too didn't he?

A: Well yes actually. His book Origin of Species went into 6 editions. In the first edition he didn't say too much about God but in the second edition he said, in describing his theory, there is grandeur in this view of life where in the beginning the Creator (with a capital C) breathes life into one or a few kinds of organisms and let the rest evolve. Now there are two things that he says there. One of which I agree with and one of which I don't agree with. The first is that a Creator with a capital C some kind of cosmic intelligence was involved in the origin of life, which he says directly in his book and it's a big embarrassment for the evolutionists today who want to take God completely out of the picture. So it's a big embarrassment to them, but I agree with that part of what he said. I don't believe in his theory of evolution that he outlines in the rest of the book but I think he was a reasonable person. I think that if it was pointed out to him that after 150 years, because he wrote his book Origin of Species 150 years ago, it was published in 1859, I think if he were able to come today and see after 150 years that so much fossil evidence has accumulated that contradicts his theory, I think that he might be willing to change it. But for many of his supporters today, his theory is not so much a scientific idea, but an ideology which cannot be questioned. And it's people like that, you know, his supporters today, who aren't willing to listen to evidence that contradicts their theories, who have now a government enforced monopoly so that their ideas only can be taught in the education systems in most countries in the world including the United States, who really object to what I'm saying. I don't think Darwin himself would object to what I'm saying. I think he'd listen. And, I think, he would be willing to change his ideas in the face of evidence. But many of his supporters today, they don't want to hear evidence that contradicts their theory, they try to suppress that evidence, they try to restrict those who want to speak about that evidence.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cool Places I Saw In National Geographic

Deir Mar Musa, Syria

Stephen's Gap, Alabama

Ellison's Cave, Georgia

I stayed in Armand Hammer's old carriage house on 4th street this weekend and saw this stuff in the June issue of National Geographic.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Corn: 80,000 Year Old Genetic Engineering

"Because of its enveloping husk the [corn] plant is unable to seed itself and is, therefore, wholely dependent on man's care for its continuance." -- Howard T. Walden II, natural historian, 1966

"Mystery still shrouds the wild ancestry of corn, for throughout all the centuries of historical time corn has been unable to disperse its seeds and hence dependent upon the hand of man for its perpetuation." -- Howard T. Walden II, natural historian, 1966

"... corn is something more than an important food plant; it is also a mystery, a fascinating botanical mystery, as challenging to a scientist as is a mountain to an explorer." -- Paul C. Mangelsdorf, botanist, April 1978

Corn is a genetically engineered crop. It was domestically selected, perhaps by Homo sapiens, from the teosinte plant.

History of Corn

Corn as we know it today would not exist if it weren't for the humans that cultivated and developed it. It is a human invention, a plant that does not exist naturally in the wild. It can only survive if planted and protected by humans.

Scientists believe people living in central Mexico developed corn at least 7000 years ago. It was started from a wild grass called teosinte. Teosinte looked very different from our corn today.
The evidence shows that corn was genetically engineered, perhaps by man, over 80,000 years ago.

National Agricultural Library of the United States Department of Agriculture: Popcorn: Ingrained in America's Agricultural History.

The oldest known corn pollen is scarcely distinguishable from modern corn pollen, judging by an 80,000-year-old fossil found 200 feet below Mexico City.
Popcorn Universe: 10,000 years before movies and theaters, there was popcorn.

Archaeologists have found 80,000-year-old corn pollen below Mexico City.
Yet more confirmation of Pre-Clovis Atlantean Civilization and the Myth of the Bering Sea Land Bridge migration.

Barghoorn, et al., Fossil Maize From the Valley of Mexico, Botanical Museum Leaflett Harvard University, Pages 229-240, 1954

Mangelsdorf, P.C., Reconstructing the Ancestor of Corn, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Volume 102, Number 5, Pages 454-463, October 1958

Galinat, W.C., Corn's Evolution and its Significance for Breeding, Economic Botony, Volume 15, Number 4, Pages 320-325, Oct 1961

Whitehead, D.R., and Langham, E.J., Measurement As a Means of Identifying Fossil Maize Pollen, Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, Volume 92, Number 1, Pages 7-20, Jan/Feb 1965

Galinat, W.C., The Origin of Maize, Annual Review of Genetics, Volume 5, Pages 447-448, Dec 1971

Bryant, V.M., Microscopic Evidence For the Domestication and Spread of Maize, PNAS, Volume 104, Number 50, Pages 19659-19660, Dec 2007

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Worlds Before Our Own

"It is amazing that such sophisticated people, as we judge ourselves to be, do not even know who we are." -- Brad Steiger, author, October 1978

"As we shall see again and again, we have such a limited knowledge and practically no understanding of the worlds before our own." -- Brad Steiger, author, October 1978

"Orthodox pooh-poohing to the contrary, the pyramids really do hold many mysteries. ... no one has explained how the earliest and smallest populations could erect the largest architecture." -- Brad Steiger, author, October 1978

"Two hypotheses may explain the presence of these perplexing artifacts, these "erratics": (1) that they were manufactured by an advanced civilization on Earth which, due either to natural or technological catastrophe was destroyed before our own world's genesis; (2) that they are evidence of a highly technological species of extraterrestrial origin, which visited this planet millions of years ago, leaving behind various artifacts. This present volume [Worlds Before Our Own] shall emphasize the former theory." -- Brad Steiger, author, October 1978

"In spite of the general popularity of catastrophism, there does seem to be a number of recently discovered 'proofs' of ancient cataclysmic changes in the Earth's crust, which may account for the nearly total disappearance of these prehistoric worlds. Geological evidence indicates that these changes were both sudden and drastic and might have completely overwhelmed and destroyed the early inhabitants and their cultures." -- Brad Steiger, author, October 1978

"...the suggestion of sentient humans walking about writing on North American walls during the Carboniferous Era, 250 million years ago, simply subjects the orthodox thinking apparatus to more shocks than may be comfortably sustained." -- Brad Steiger, author, October 1978

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Nobel Prize Winners and the Paranormal

Michael A. Cremo: Famous Scientists and the Paranormal: Implications for Consciousness Research.

Parapsychological research generally tends to suggest some kind of dualist solution to the mind/body question. But parapsychological research is sometimes viewed with suspicion by scientists involved in consciousness research. One is left with the impression that such work is for marginal individuals, outside the mainstream of science. This impression may, however, be based on an incomplete understanding of the history of science. For example, not many physicists know that Nobel Laureates Pierre and Marie Curie were involved in parapsychological research. They participated with many other noted French scientists in investigating paranormal phenomena that occurred in the presence of the Italian medium Eusapia Palladino. In the works of Charles Richet (Nobel laureate physiologists) and others, we get an intriguing picture of Marie Curie controlling the medium while her husband Pierre measured the movement of objects in the room. Pierre Curie came to the conclusion that the phenomena were genuine. Richet himself conducted extensive research into the paranormal, as did Alfred Russell Wallace, cofounder with Darwin of the theory of evolution by natural selection, and Sir William Crookes, Nobel Laureate in physics and President of the Royal Society. And they were not alone. Indeed, from the time of Newton to the present, some of the best minds in science have actively investigated paranormal phenomena and come to conclusions tending to suggest that consciousness cannot be reduced to brain functions or derived from biochemistry. ...

Currently, dualist solutions to the brain/consciousness question are distinctly unpopular in mainstream scientific circles. Most research efforts are dedicated to exploring the “neural correlates of consciousness,” the brain circuitry that supposedly produces consciousness. The unremitting reductionism of most consciousness research does not interfere with my personal beliefs in Krishna consciousness, nor with my practice of Hare Krishna mantra meditation, inspired by my years of study of the ancient Sanskrit writings of India, as I have received them from my guru Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. But I am concerned that this almost unquestioned reductionism prevents many in the world of science from appreciating the true dimensions and characteristics of consciousness, which is something absolute, and not derivable from biochemistry or biophysics. Of course, even today there are researchers who pursue investigations suggesting consciousness is something that cannot be understood by the ordinary laws of physics and chemistry. These investigations come under the general heading of the “paranormal.” Most paranormal researchers concern themselves with micro-psychokinetic effects (statistically significant intentionally induced variations in the output of random number generators) and mico-esp events (statistically significant identifications of cards or pictures through remote vision). I find such work of considerable value, but I find even more value in the account of famous scientists of the past who recorded instances of macro-psychokinetic and esp events. These accounts, if true, in my opinion, provide stronger and more direct evidence for the existence of a conscious self, distinct from matter, than statistical summations of accounts of micro-effects.

Many modern scientists know that Sir Isaac Newton, the founding father of modern science, wrote extensively on alchemy and esoteric spiritual topics. But the paranormal research of later figures in science are less well known in scientific circles. Indeed, many suppose that research into the paranormal has been the special province of those on the outermost fringes of normal science. This may be true today, but it has not always been so. Some of the greatest minds of modern science have busied themselves with problems that now for many seem taboo. I shall now give a few of the many examples that could be given.

Alfred Russell Wallace was cofounder, with Charles Darwin, of the theory of evolution by natural selection. He conducted decades of research into spiritualistic phenomena, sometimes in the company of Sir William Crookes. Wallace wrotee: "I ought to state that for twenty-five years I had been an utter skeptic as to the existence of any preter-human or super-human intelligences, and that I never for a moment contemplated the possibility that the marvels related by Spiritualists could be literally true. If I have now changed my opinion, it is simply by the force of evidence.”

Sir William Crookes received the Nobel Prize for physics in 1911, for his discovery of the element thallium. Crookes was also elected President of the Royal Society, England’s most prestigious scientific body. He gave this account of a séance with D.D. Home (May 22, 1871), attended by himself and Wallace: "The table now rose completely off the ground several times whilst the gentlemen present took a candle, and kneeling down deliberately examined the position of Mr. Home's feet and knees, and saw the three feet of the [3-footed] table quite off the ground. This was repeated, until each observer expressed himself satisfied that the levitation was not produced by mechanical means on the part of the medium or any one else present."

Wallace and Crookes had both seen an accordion play while Home held it with one hand, away from the keyboard. Later, Crookes designed an experiment to further test this phenomenon. To insure that Home was not using sleight of hand, Crookes made a cage, which rested under a table. An accordion was placed in the cage, and Home was allowed to insert one hand into the cage to grasp one end of the instrument. Home was to keep his other hand on the top of the table. This arrangement prevented Home from using his free hand to manipulate the instrument. To guard against a trick accordion, Crookes supplied a brand new one never seen by Home. Crookes reported that even with this arrangement the accordion played as usual.Then Home removed his hand from the cage. Crookes stated: “I and two of the others present saw the accordion distinctly floating about inside the cage with no visible support.” Wallace reported a similar experience.

Both Wallace and Crookes reported seeing Home levitate. Crookes reported: “The best cases of Home's levitation I witnessed in my own house. On one occasion, he went to a clear part of the room, and, after standing quietly for a minute, told us he was rising. I saw him slowly rise up with a continuous gliding movement and remain about six inches off the ground for several seconds, when he slowly descended. On this occasion no one moved from their places. On another occasion I was invited to come to him, when he rose 18 inches off the ground, and I passed my hands under his feet, round him, and over his head, when he was in the air.” Crookes reported many other instances of Home levitating.

Every student of physics knows the story of the Curies. Their investigations of radioactivity earned them the Nobel Prize 1n 1903 and helped set physics on its modern course. But hardly anyone knows that they were heavily involved in psychical research. Along with Dr. Charles Richet, and other European scientists of the early twentieth century, they participated in investigations of the Italian medium Eusapia Palladino.

Eusapia was born in Italy in 1854, and her psychic abilities were manifested early in life. By the late nineteenth century, she was the object of study for many of Europe’s leading scientists. In 1905, she came to Paris, where Pierre and Marie Curie were among those who investigated her.

Pierre Curie, letter to Georges Gouy, July 24, 1905: “We had at the Psychology Society a few séances with the medium Eusapia Palladino. It was very interesting, and truly those phenomena that we have witnessed seemed to us to not be some magical tricks --a table lifted four feet above the floor, movements of objects, feelings of hands that pinched you or carressed you, apparitions of light. All this in a room arranged by us, with a small number of spectators all well known and without the presence of a possible accomplice. The only possible cheating would be an extraordinary ability of the medium as a magician. But how to explain the different phenomena when we are holding her hands and legs, and the lighting of the room is sufficient to see everything going on?”

In another letter to Gouy (April 14, 1906), Curie wrote: “We had a few new séances with Eusapia … those phenomena exist for real, and I can’t doubt it any more. It is unbelievable but it is thus, and it is impossible to negate it after the séances that we had in conditions of perfect monitoring.”

Charles Richet, who won the Nobel Prize in physiology in 1913, carried out decades of research into psychical phenomena. He participated with the Curies in the investigations of Eusapia Palladino. Here is one of his accounts of a séance:

“It took place at the Psychological Institute at Paris. There were present only Mme. Curie, Mme. X., a Polish friend of hers, and P. Courtier, the secretary of the Institute. Mme. Curie was on Eusapia’s left, myself on her right, Mme. X, a little farther off, taking notes, and M. Courtier still farther, at the end of the table. Courtier had arranged a double curtain behind Eusapia; the light was weak but sufficient. One the table Mme. Curie’s hand holding Eusapia’s could be distinctly seen, likewise mine also holding the right hand. . . We saw the curtain swell out as if pushed by some large object. . . I asked to touch it . . . I felt the resistance and seized a real hand which I took in mine. Even through the curtain I could feel the fingers … I held it firmly and counted twenty-nine seconds, during all which time I had leisure to observe both of Eusapia’s hands on the table, to ask Mme. Curie if she was sure of her control . . . After the twenty-nine seconds I said, ‘I want something more, I want uno anello (a ring).’ At once the hand made me feel a ring . . . It seems hard to imagine a more convincing experiment . . . In this case there was not only the materialization of a hand, but also of a ring.”

Camille Flammarion (1842-1925), founder of the French Astronomical Society, carried out extensive research into clairvoyance and apparitions. Flammarion concluded: “All these observations prove that a human being does not consist only of a body that is visible, tangible . . . it consists, likewise, of a psychic element that is imponderable, gifted with special, intrinsic faculties, capable of functioning apart from the physical organism and of manifesting itself at a distance with the aid of forces as to the nature of which we are still ignorant.”

Lord John William Strutt Rayleigh (1842-1919) received the 1904 Nobel Prize in physics for his discovery of argon. Rayleigh was attracted to psychical research by the writings of Sir William Crookes. He was cautious in drawing conclusions, but he never disavowed any of the positive experiences he recorded. Rayleigh accepted the presidency of the Society for Psychical Research in 1919. In his presidential address he said, “I have never felt any doubt as to the importance of the work carried on by the Society . . . Our goal is the truth, whatever it may turn out to be, and our efforts to attain it should have the sympathy of all, and I would add especially of scientific men.”

With Charles Richet, Oliver J. Lodge, a famous English physicist, participated in experiments with Eusapia Palladino and was convinced her phenomena, in this case, were real. During the First World War, his son Raymond was killed on the battlefield. Afterwards, Lodge claimed he was receiving verifiable communications from him through mediums. Lodge wrote: “I have made no secret of my conviction, not merely that personality persists, but that its continued existence is more entwined with the life of every day than has been generally imagined . . . and that methods of intercommunication across what has seemed to be a gulf can be set going in response to the urgent demand of affection.”

The testimony of such scientists, noted for their their skill in experimental design and observation, when taken in combination with modern parapsychological research, provides good reason to suppose that there is more to the human organism than the physical body visible to our eyes. It would appear that a complete picture of the human being must also take into account subtle mental energies and a conscious self distinct from the body. When embodied the conscious self can make use of subtle mental energies to manipulate matter in ways transcending the normal laws of physics. And when detached from the body, the same self can apparently make use of the same subtle mental energies to communicate with selves still embodied.

Monday, July 13, 2009

First Direct Evidence of Fish Consumption By Modern Humans

Science Daily: First Direct Evidence Of Substantial Fish Consumption By Early Modern Humans In China 40,000 Years Ago.

ScienceDaily (July 13, 2009) — Freshwater fish are an important part of the diet of many peoples around the world, but it has been unclear when fish became an important part of the year-round diet for early humans.

A new study by an international team of researchers, including Erik Trinkaus, Ph.D., professor of anthropology in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, shows it may have happened in China as far back as 40,000 years ago.

Chemical analysis of the protein collagen, using ratios of the isotopes of nitrogen and sulfur in particular, can show whether such fish consumption was an occasional treat or a regular food item.

The isotopic analysis of a bone from one of the earliest modern humans in Asia, the 40,000 year old skeleton from Tianyuan Cave in the Zhoukoudian region of China (near Beijing), by an international team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, the Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology in Beijing, the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and Washington University in Saint Louis has shown that this individual was a regular fish consumer.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Dinosaur Burrow Discovered In Australia

Science Daily: Down Under Dinosaur Burrow Discovery Provides Climate Change Clues.

ScienceDaily (July 11, 2009) — On the heels of his discovery in Montana of the first trace fossil of a dinosaur burrow, Emory University paleontologist Anthony Martin has found evidence of more dinosaur burrows – this time on the other side of the world, in Victoria, Australia. The find, to be published this month in Cretaceous Research, suggests that burrowing behaviors were shared by dinosaurs of different species, in different hemispheres, and spanned millions of years during the Cretaceous Period, when some dinosaurs lived in polar environments.

"This research helps us to better understand long-term geologic change, and how organisms may have adapted as the Earth has undergone periods of global cooling and warming," says Martin, a senior lecturer in environmental studies at Emory. Martin is also an honorary research associate at Monash University in Melbourne.

In 2006, in collaboration with colleagues from Montana State University and Japan, Martin identified the 95-million-year-old skeletal remains of a small adult dinosaur and two juveniles in a fossilized burrow in southwestern Montana. They later named the dinosaur species Oryctodromeus cubicularis, meaning "digging runner of the lair."

The researchers hypothesized that, besides caring for young in their dens, burrowing may have allowed some dinosaurs to survive extreme environments – throwing a wrench in some extinction theories.

A year after the Montana find, Martin traveled to the Victoria coast, which marks the seam where Australia once snuggled against Antarctica. Lower Cretaceous strata of Victoria have yielded the best-documented assemblage of polar dinosaur bones in the world.

During a hike to a remote site known as Knowledge Creek, west of Melbourne, Martin rounded the corner of an outcropping and was astounded to see, right at eye level, the trace fossil of what appeared to be a burrow almost identical to the one he had identified in Montana. "I stared at it for a long time," recalls Martin. "In paleontology, the saying, 'where luck meets preparation' really holds true."

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cryptozoologists Confirm New Cryptid

Reuters: New monkey discovered in Brazilian Amazon.

RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - Researchers have discovered a new sub-species of monkey in a remote part of the Amazon rain forest, a U.S.-based wildlife conservation group said on Tuesday.

The newly found monkey was first spotted by scientists in 2007 in the Brazilian state of Amazonas and is related to the saddleback tamarin monkeys, known for their distinctively marked backs, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) said.

The small monkey, which is mostly gray and brown and weighs 213 grams (0.47 pound), has been named the Mura's saddleback tamarin after the Mura Indian tribe of the Purus and Madeira river basins where the new sub-species was found.

It is 240 millimeters (9.4 inches) tall with a 320 millimeter (12.6 inch) tail.

"This newly described monkey shows that even today there are major wildlife discoveries to be made," Fabio Rohe, the lead author of a study confirming the new discovery, said in a statement released by the WCS.

The study found that the monkey is threatened by development projects in the region, including a major highway through the forest that is being paved and which could fuel deforestation.

"This discovery should serve as a wake-up call that there is still so much to learn from the world's wild places, yet humans continue to threaten these areas with destruction," Rohe said.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Robert D. Ballard On Inner Space Exploration

"Everything I'm gonna present to you was not in my textbooks when I went to school. And most of it was not even in my college textbooks. I'm a geophysicist and (all my earth science books) when I was a student I had to give the wrong answer to get an A. We used to ridicule continental drift. It was something we laughed at." -- Robert D. Ballard, geophysicist, May 2008

"Most of our planet does not feel the warmth of our sun. Most of our planet is in eternal darkness." -- Robert D. Ballard, geophysicist, May 2008

NPR: Robert Ballard: 50 Years Exploring Deep Waters.

Talk of the Nation, July 3, 2009 · Deep-sea voyager Robert Ballard has discovered everything from 10-foot-tall tube worms to the Titanic on his ocean expeditions around the world. Ballard discusses his underwater finds and how new robotic technology allows scientists to explore the sea from ashore.
TED talk: Robert Ballard on exploring the oceans.

Happy Dependence Day.

Friday, July 3, 2009

940,000 B.C.

Charles W. Naeser was a nuclear chemist who made uranium hexaflouride for the Manhattan Project and was friends with Fermi, Gamow, and Teller.

"Much is known about Early Man in the Old World, where new discoveries continue to expand our knowledge base. Unfortunately, in the New World our knowledge is largely limited to Clovis and younger cultures. The study of potential pre-Clovis sites is not encouraged, and those who report a possible pre-Clovis site do so at significant risk to their career." -- Charles W. Naeser, chemist, April 2007

"As a scientist I am embarrassed that it has taken more than 30 years for archaeologists and geologists to revisit the bone and artifact deposits of Valsequillo Reservoir. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, data were presented that suggested Early Man had been in the New World much earlier than anyone had previously thought. Rather than further investigate the discoveries, which is what should have been done, they were buried under the sands of time, in the hope that they would be forgotten." -- Charles W. Naeser, chemist, April 2007

"I determined fission-track ages on zircons from two of the tephra units overlying the artifacted beds. The Hueyatlaco ash yielded a zircon fission-track age of 370,000+/-200,000 years, and the Tetela brown mud yielded an age of 600,000+/-340,000 years. There is a 96 percent chance that the true age of these tephras lie within the range defined by the age and the plus or minus value. Now, there were four different geological dating techniques that suggested a far greater antiquity to the artifacts than anyone in the archaeological community wanted to admit." -- Charles W. Naeser, chemist, April 2007

Irwin-Williams, C., et al., Comments on the Associations of Archaeological Materials and Extinct Fauna in the Valsequillo Region Puebla Mexico, American Antiquity, Volume 34, Number 1, Pages 82-83, Jan 1969

Szabo, B.J., Malde, H.E., and Irwin-Williams, C., Dilemma Posed By Uranium-Series Dates On Archaeologically Significant Bones From Valsequillo Puebla Mexico, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 6, Pages 237-244, Jul 1969

Corliss, W.R., The Hueyatlaco Dilemma, Science Frontiers, Number 21, May-Jun 1982

Steen-McIntyre, V., Approximate Dating of the Tephra Using the Microscope: 'Seat-of -the-Pants' Methods to Roughly Date Quaternary Archaeological and Paleontological Sites By Associated Pumice and Volcanic Ash Layers, Proceedings, 2002

VanLandingham, S.L., Corroboration of Sangamonian Age of Artifacts From the Valsequillo Region Puebla Mexico By Means of Diatom Biostratigraphy, Micropaleontology, Volume 50, Number 4, Pages 313-342, 2004

González, S., et al., Human Footprints in Central Mexico Older Than 40,000 Years, Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 25, Issues 3-4, Pages 201-222, Feb 2006

VanLandingham, S.L., Diatom Evidence For Autocthonous Artifact Deposition In the Valsequillo Region Puebla Mexico During Sangamonian (sensu lato = 80,0000 to ca. 220,000 yr BP and Illinoian (220,000 to 430,000 yr BP)), Journal of Paleolimnology, Volume 36, Number 1, Pages 101-116, Jul 2006

Hardaker, C., The First American: The Suppressed Story of the People Who Discovered the New World, 2007

Egypt Discovers What May Be Oldest Human Footprint, Reuters, Aug 2007

Egypt Footprint 'Could Be Oldest', BBC, Aug 2007

Huddart, D., et al., Analysis of Preservation of Pleistocene Human and Animal Footprints: An Example From Toluquilla Valsequillo Basin (Central Mexico), Ichnos, Volume 15, Numbers 3-4, Pages 232-245, Jul 2008

Roach, J., Oldest Human Footprints with Modern Anatomy Found, National Geographic, Feb 2009

Earliest 'Human Footprints' Found, BBC, Feb 2009

Wilford, J.N., Prints Show a Modern Foot in Prehumans, The New York Times, Feb 2009

Oldest Human Footprints Found In Kenya, Telegraph, Feb 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Michael A. Cremo

"The mind has lost it's cutting edge, we hardly understand the Ancients." -- Grégoire de Tours, historian, 6th century

I found someone who agrees with me that mankind gets less intelligent and more primitive over time the closer you get to the present. His name is Michael A. Cremo and he calls it Human Devolution. This is obviously the exact opposite of Darwin.

"Well, there's what I call a process of knowledge filtration that operates in the world of science. Discoveries that go along with the current consensus pass through this social and intellectual filter quite easily whereas reports of evidence (discoveries) that radically contradict the current consensus are filtered out, they don't pass through this filter so easily, which means many scientists and most of the general public don't know about these discoveries. So I think it's because of this process of knowledge filtration that we don't have a complete set of facts upon which to base our decisions and judgments about important questions such as the origin of the human species." -- Michael A. Cremo, author, 2005

"Well, and I think that's because of a double standard in the treatment of evidence. Evidence that goes along with the current theories is treated according to one set of rules whereas evidence that radically contradicts the current theories is judged by a much stricter standard. It's as if the rules of the game are suddenly changed, as if somebody were doing a high jump and one person jumps the five meter bar and then suddenly the next person who comes up doesn't just have to jump the five meter bar, they have to jump the ten meter bars. And actually the standards are so strict that even the evidence that goes along with the current theories could not possibly meet these same standards. So that's what I mean about a double standard in the treatment of evidence." -- Michael A. Cremo, author, 2005

"Who am I and where did I come from? ... For the past century or so the Darwinist scientists through their monopoly in the education system in most of the countries in the West have had the ability to dictate to us the answers to those fundamental questions." -- Michael A. Cremo, author, 2005

"I mean it [censorship] is really amazing because normally we're told that's not how the world of science operates. Well, we're told that always we're ready to consider new evidence and change our theories and it sounds very wonderful. In theory. But in practice sometimes it [science] doesn't work like that." -- Michael A. Cremo, author, 2005

"... once I spoke at the Russian Academy of Sciences because one of my books Forbidden Archaeology is available in that language and one of the anthropologists there had a copy of my book and told me, 'Well, I haven't read it but I'm sure everything in it must be a mistake or an illusion or a hoax.' And that illustrates the kind of attitude that I think doesn't really represent the highest ideals of science, namely I think one should look at the evidence and, if they think something is wrong with it, they should be able to demonstrate exactly what is wrong with it." -- Michael A. Cremo, author, 2007

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

How Planets Can Reverse Their Rotations

Rick Crammond, age 52 of Canada, demonstrates how his invention, the Tesla CD Turbine, is a perfect electromagnetic model for planetary orbits and the reversal of retrograde rotation.

"The reversal which takes place from time to time of the motion of the universe. ... Of all changes of the heavenly motions, we may consider this to be the greatest and most complete. " -- Plato, philosopher, The Statesman, 360 B.C.

"There did really happen, and will again happen, like many other events of which ancient tradition has preserved the record, the portent which is traditionally said to have occurred in the quarrel of Atreus and Thyestes. ... how the sun and the stars once rose in the west, and set in the east, and that the god reversed their motion, and gave them that which they now have as a testimony to the right of Atreus. " -- Plato, philosopher, The Statesman, 360 B.C.

"Thus the whole period is eleven thousand three hundred and forty years; in all of which time (they said) they had had no king who was a god in human form, nor had there been any such either before or after those years among the rest of the kings of Egypt. Four times in this period (so they told me) the sun rose contrary to experience; twice he came up where he now goes down, and twice went down where he now comes up." -- Herodotos, historian, Book II, ~440-420 B.C.

"The example of the magnet I have hit upon is a very pretty one, and entirely suited to the subject; indeed, it is little short of being the very truth." -- Johannes Kepler, astronomer/mathematician, 1609

"It is therefore plausible, since the Earth moves the moon through its species and magnetic body, while the sun moves the planets similarly through an emitted species, that the sun is likewise a magnetic body." -- Johannes Kepler, astronomer/mathematician, 1609

"But come: let us follow more closely the tracks of this similarity of the planetary reciprocation [libration] to the motion of a magnet, and that by a most beautiful geometric demonstration, so that it might appear that a magnet has such a motion as that which we perceive in the planet." -- Johannes Kepler, astronomer/mathematician, 1609

"...the great truth, accidentally revealed and experimentally confirmed, is fully recognized, that this planet, with all its appalling immensity, is to electric currents virtually no more than a small metal ball...." -- Nikola Tesla, physicist, 1904

Scientists Kill Cancer Cells With Trojan Horse

Reuters: Scientists kill cancer cells with "trojan horse".

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian scientists have developed a "trojan horse" therapy to combat cancer, using a bacterially-derived nano cell to penetrate and disarm the cancer cell before a second nano cell kills it with chemotherapy drugs.

The "trojan horse" therapy has the potential to directly target cancer cells with chemotherapy, rather than the current treatment that sees chemotherapy drugs injected into a cancer patient and attacking both cancer and healthy cells.

Sydney scientists Dr Jennifer MacDiarmid and Dr Himanshu Brahmbhatt, who formed EnGenelC Pty Ltd in 2001, said they had achieved 100 percent survival in mice with human cancer cells by using the "trojan horse" therapy in the past two years.

The scientists plan to start human clinical trials in the coming months. Human trials of the cell delivery system will start next week at the Peter MacCullum Cancer Center at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and The Austin at the University of Melbourne.

The therapy, published in the latest Nature Biotechnology journal, sees mini-cells called EDVs (EnGenelC Delivery Vehicle) attach and enter the cancer cell.

The first wave of mini-cells release ribonucleic acid molecules, called siRNA, which switch off the production of proteins that make the cancer cell resistant to chemotherapy.

A second wave of EDV cells is then accepted by the cancer cell and releases chemotherapy drugs, killing the cancer cell.

"The beauty is that our EDVs operate like 'Trojan Horses' They arrive at the gates of the affected cells and are always allowed in," said MacDiarmid.

"We are playing the rogue cells at their own game. They switch-on the gene to produce the protein to resist drugs, and we are switching-off the gene which, in turn, enables the drugs to enter."